Sunday, May 23, 2010

Marker Rendering (Part 01 and Part 02)

PART 01:


PART 02:

Here are two new videos that are PART 01 and PART 02 on the topic of MARKER RENDERING for the Animation and Entertainment Industry. These videos talk about how and why markers are such an important medium to use in the quick paced world of the Animation and Entertainment Industry. Whether for a concept design project or for sketching on location, here's some tricks and tips.

All my best,



Marcello Varez said...

Nice job, thanks for the tips.

Brendan Draney said...

Great videos Mark ! Thanks for sharing.
Brendan said...

Great style and techniques!
Been following your RSS feed, and all your post are worth to "Keep as new"!

Jon Thomson said...

Awesome stuff! Thanks for sharing.

Gulzar said...

I'm loving these ones!