This is a character development piece that I did for a project that unfortunately didn't make it as is the case from time to time. I was looking forward to finishing him off and painting the rest of the background but never got the time as the project was put on the shelf.
Great character. I am sure it will get used on something else. Lots of personality.
Yay! I remember this guy:) A shame you didn't get to finish it. Thanks for sharing your sketchbook in the vid below. Very inspiring.
Talk Soon,
dude this is sweet! I'm totally digging the vids. you're such an inspiration!
i very much adore your own posting style, very attractive.
don't give up as well as keep writing in all honesty , because it simply just truly worth to follow it,
excited to browse alot more of your current well written articles, enjoy your day :)
Hello Everyone!
I've been trying to figure out a place to start with the Acai Berry free trial and was just wanting to know if anyone had any thoughts on whether or not it works for weight loss? So far here is the only [url=]article[/url] I've been able to come across that seemed realistic for what my goals are. Thoughts?
Hello there yourself. I think that weight loss is a serious problem and am looking forward to seeing Jaime's reshaping America T.V. show airing soon. As for a place to post this CRAP you keep SPAMming me with . . . I suggest you post it in a place that does not have artistic substance.
Thoughts. Yeah, stop posting this crap on my site . . . it's apparent you have no aesthetic concerns, therefore I suggest you PISS OFF.
Thank you and I wish you well . . . Richard,
i honestly adore your posting taste, very helpful,
don't quit and also keep penning due to the fact it just simply truly worth to follow it,
impatient to browse through additional of your content pieces, thankx!
hahah your condemnation of "anonymous" made me LOL. they're a plague, they need to be taken care of!
awesome character as well. i love the treatment.
I have this hanging on the wall now and "heart" it. It was awesome to meet you at Wondercon. Hopefully we'll get to see you again, maybe when we are down visiting Joe sometime. Very inspiring work!
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