(If you check out Meltdown, tell Gaston Mark sent you by!)

(You couldn't meet a more knowledgeable and friendly person than Stuart!)
• Two of my favorite places to shop and be inspired by are now carrying my book, so if you were ever to wonder what the book looks like and have not had a chance to flip through the pages personal, these are two great places to get your hands on a copy. Meltdown is located off of Sunset in LA and the amazing Stuart Ng Books (and I really truly mean it) is located in Torrance but well worth the drive no matter where you live, you can trust me!
Congrats! I saw your book at "House of Secrets" tonight as well. Craig said he had talked to you, so I'm looking forward to seeing your work at one of the upcoming nomad galleries. Had a great turn out and got to meet with a bunch of cool people.
I'm already a big fan of Stuart Ng, but have yet to make the first trip to the actual store. Can't wait!
Let's hook up soon!
where are my vampire heads dude!!!
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