Monday, June 08, 2009

Animation Mentor Book Review

Recent Gesture Instruction @ The Walt Disney Company

These drawings were done from a recent session I taught at the Walt Disney Company. In this class I was stressing to the employees about thinking about the importance of not only capturing the essence of the pose, but making it personal and taking it to a higher level of completion. The level of completion can vary from artist to artist but one of the important things that I try to get artists to think about is the use of "color linking," (a term which I coined that I talk about in depth in Chapter 9 my book - The Art and Feel of Making It Real). This principle is a great way to link each of the drawings from a particular session into a cohesive set, similar to what is done in Visual Development when working on feature films.



Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Visual Storytellers Studio - INTERVIEW

I was recently asked to do an online PodCast for a really kind and generous artist, Sam Kirkman who heads up the Visual Storytellers Studio for Illustrators and Children's Book Illustrators alike. If you interested please check it out and let me know what you think:

Check out the link to the right: INTERVIEW 03 - - - - - >


Monday, June 01, 2009

Chinese Playing Cards

These were done just for fun.


Chinese Magistrate

Everyone can have a challenging day . . . especially a Chinese Magistrate. It's a tough job but somebody's gotta do it.

(This is a piece that I did while I was discussing to my class at Disney, that subtilty within gesture drawing is just as important as a bold or grand storytelling movement. I was instilling not to forget the same impact can be made by emphasizing a quiet moment within a drawing or design.)
