Friday, October 17, 2008

Gesture Watercolor Sketches

Recently I have been getting a lot of questions by students or class members as to when it's best to experiment and how do I begin my process. Also, I am hearing when can I start using watercolor? Or when is it best to try a different medium? I think these images above are a great indication of the transition to a different medium or a shift into more personal experimentation. I ususally start sketching with a pen or unerasable medium. It programs me to think more in the begining, and flow later on in the session. As I feel I've warmed up and the poses are 3 minutes or greater, I will begin experimenting and seeing where the drawing(s) will lead. Unfortuanlty it's different for everybody and is more of an organic process. You just have to go with the flow and not be too concerned with accomplishing that "one thing" you set you to do. Most times, in my experience, it's best to listen to what you drawings are feeling like and know when to stray off the direct path to try something new and different. It should happen naturally . . . and if you have different things to experiment with in a close proximity, it's easier to natually reach for that next thing, whether it's the "one thing" or another choice to experiment with.
It's wordy, but I hope it helps.




Alex Deligiannis said...

Nice post, man, great stuff to consider. I really love the 5th one down, in pen - simply beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Love the third one down guy! Great stuff, keep up the good work,


Carl Aspuria said...

Hey Mark, it's Carl from Dave's class. Cool stuff man. Are these from the classes you teach at Disney?

Mark McDonnell said...

Hey guys,

Thank you very much, pretty fun to play with different mediums in the same session . . .helped to see differently.


Yep. These were are from the Enrichment Class I teach @ Disney, pretty fun and a good group of folks.


Tim said...

Dang! These are very nice Mark! I was only familiar with your layout and set design before this. These are really great!

Mark McDonnell said...


Thanks for the nice comments. I love your work and what you have done . . I bask in your light. I hope all is well with your short, pretty funny stuff. Thanks again,


Mattias Adolfsson said...

These are pure joy