Saturday, December 15, 2012

Deaths Head...Thrice!

This character is for a personal project that I am currently developing and finishing the illustrations for.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Something New Rises To The Surface...

I'm happy to announce I will debuting my new book, Denizens of the Deep @ The CTN Animation Expo. November 16-18.  It could not be a better event to be a part of let alone get a chance to share something new to fans and friends.

The book is a "turn of the century journal of sketches and notations told through the eyes of a British explorer embarking on a voyage that would change everything we've ever known about Denizens of the Deep!  From mermaids to dark things from the depths... the ocean is full of many unimagined creatures previously uncaught by human eyes, until now!"

• I'll be at Table T26 right next to my buddies in crime, Brett Bean and Justin Rodriguez of Think Tank fame!

All my best,


Friday, October 26, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

Gesture Drawing - Focusing On Character (HallowsStyle!)

These were a series of sketches I did this week in honor of Halloween coming to town shortly in the States.  The discussion was about focusing on the primary source of importance first.  That being, the posture and weight distribution of the character/person. However, from there on it's important to make it your own. With the power of someone's imagination, ANYTHING is possible if you simply..........

Make Believe!

(The last sketch is for Michael...)



Friday, October 12, 2012

New Character Design Class @ LAAFA Starts Next Week!

I'll be instructing a new Character Design class that focuses on what it takes to be a versatile designer in the Animation and Entertainment Industry and how it functions today.  There are only a few spots available and begins, this coming Wednesday (October 17th)!

If you're itching to learn and end the year with some added growth... you're welcome along for the journey!



Saturday, October 06, 2012

Disney Lecture Series Continued - Griffith Observatory

This is the first page of a packet I have prepared for an upcoming lecture and drawing session I'll be leading for the folks at Disney TVA and DTS.  Should be a pretty fun day amongst a legendary L.A. icon.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Costumed Gesture Drawing - All Hallow's Eve's Coming...

 Please excuse the photographs.  I ended up giving the model all my drawings except for one that I had a chance to scan in.  Pretty fun....Halloween's coming........

All my best,


Friday, September 07, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012



Another session of classes has or is about to conclude leaving new opportunities coming up shortly:

Animation Union/A.A.I.: Tuesdays - 7:00-10:00
•STARTING September 11th.

LAAFA: Wednesdays - 7:00-10:00
•STARTING October 17th.

3Kicks: Fridays - 7:30-10:30
•STARTING October 8th.
(-coffee is most certainly provided-)



Friday, August 17, 2012

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Recent 3-Minute Marker Sketches

Recent Costumed Gesture Drawing (With Character) session talking about using two line weights and maker to complete your statement - 3 Minute Sketches.


Friday, August 10, 2012

Figuratively Speaking, with Style.

Here's a 3-Minute figurative quick sketch I did @ Disney while talking about being able to alter your style by choice AND by what medium you choose to use. This is very similar to what I was speaking about two post (but with the figure) - in the "Thursday Night Walt Disney Company Sketches" post.


Friday, August 03, 2012

Thursday Night Walt Disney Company Sketches

• This is from last nights Thursday night drawing class I instruct @ The Walt Disney Company. • 
The 5-minute sketch above was done Pastel while talking about how to capture a more "Classical," Disneyesque story-sketch feeling to Costumed Gesture Drawing (with my typical personal extra push to focus on added Character and Personality to ones sketches).
(This sketch was actually done from a previous pose that I had the model take the pose again, so please excuse the minor changes in the posing - which I pushed farther to make it stronger!)
•  Pushing and "Plus-ing" is a must when doing Costumed Gesture Drawing with an emphasis on Character and Personality!) •
Here I was talking about using a more aggressive/story-driven sketch which focused on including the essential elements of the personality of the background and the world the character is acting in and "staging" it in a way that adds to the story of the pose and that beat!



Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Recent Costumed Gesture Drawing Sketches

I don't often get a chance to draw as often as I would like when I teach. 

- These sketches were done while talking about how it's VERY important to add a touch of an individual personal take on something that seems overtly generic now-a-days. -

•(This individual take is to focus on how you would like to apply these drawings and what specific task you preform at the studio, or...what you would like to do in the future.)•
 The above first sketch was the first I did talking about proportions and how to control a sense of "worldly realism."  This meaning, make the character feel like he, she, it belongs and exists in it's own personalized world that you could repeat the same set of principles in multiple drawings and designs.  This was an example of adding a touch of character to the face and stick hand to make it live in a more animation-friendly world with more realistic proportions.  This is something that is very prevalent in many more Feature animations, than a show for Television. From here I did the next three drawings talking about how it's VERY important to add a touch of an individual personal take on something that seems overtly generic now-a-days.
And these were pure joy to play with more of a sense of character.


Friday, July 20, 2012

Back in Action

Here's some doodles from yesterday while on my lunch break @ the good 'ol local Starbucks.

A big THANK YOU to all that came out and said hello while at Comic-Con 2012! It really was fantastic and I was very happy to see the new Convention Only Sketchbook: Oodles of Doodles 01 did so well in it's debut!



Thursday, June 21, 2012

Oodles of Doodles 01 - A Limited Edition Sketchbook

My new 9x7 sketchbook: Oodles of Doodles 01, that will be debuting at this years Comic-Con - ARRIVED TODAY!

• This will only be sold at Conventions and is a very limited edition of 500 copies with no reprinting to be done once their sold out......don't wait, I'm sure they'll go fast. •

Happy Weekend,


Disney Workshop/Lecture @ The L.A. Zoo

 I recently had the privilege of being invited to lead a lecture and day-workshop for a group of artists from both Disney TVA and Disney Toon Studios at the Los Angeles Zoo.  It was a pretty nice day indeed.  From the 32 artists, you can see there were 6 left at the end.  This makes the official start to SUMMER here in California!